Here are some simple coding rules for you to remember!
If its working, don’t touch it!
Bad code can’t be debugged. Neither can good code.
If you don’t know something, Google it.
Here are some simple coding rules for you to remember!
If its working, don’t touch it!
Bad code can’t be debugged. Neither can good code.
If you don’t know something, Google it.
Appropriate music possesses the power to work wonders.
#050505, #0a0a0a, #0f0f0f, #141414, #191919, #1e1e1e, #232323, #282828, #2d2d2d, #323232, #373737, #3c3c3c, #414141, #464646, #4b4b4b, #505050, #555555, #5a5a5a, #5f5f5f, #646464, #696969, #6e6e6e, #737373, #787878, #7d7d7d, #828282, #878787, #8c8c8c, #919191, #969696, #9b9b9b, #a0a0a0, #a5a5a5, #aaaaaa, #afafaf, #b4b4b4, #b9b9b9, #bebebe, #c3c3c3, #c8c8c8, #cdcdcd, #d2d2d2, #d7d7d7, #dcdcdc, #e1e1e1, #e6e6e6, #ebebeb, #f0f0f0, #f5f5f5, #fafafa